
Bikes with an electric assist are great for commuters and those who need to be able to count on a little extra assistance while conditioning for long-distance rides, because they can be switched on and off as needed. That means you can test your limits as a rider while counting on a quick, low-effort return to home if you accidentally go further than you expected, and you can choose when you do and don’t want the additional boost. In a lot of ways, their upkeep and repair is also just like a regular bike. The same gearing and mechanical principles drive them when they’re under human power, so if you have basic issues like a frayed brake cord or a broken chain, you can usually rely on prior knowledge to help you fix it. The point of difference is important, though, because repairing the motor on an electric bike does require a little extra understanding of how the assist works and what might be wrong.

Troubleshooting Your Bike’s Issues

Troubleshooting an electric bike means looking for the breakdown in the electric system. To find it, you’ll need to make sure your hands and feet are dry and work in a well-lit space. First, check the battery voltage to make sure you don’t have a dead cell, as well as the charge level if the voltage looks good. Then, look for corrosion or weak wiring connections in a systematic way, starting with the basics:

  • Check out individual connectors between parts
  • Inspect the boards in the control for signs of a short or burnt spots
  • Check the pedal assist and torque sensor
  • Look at the chainstay and rear axle motor connections

Depending on the exact issue you’re having, you may be able to reduce this checklist. For example, if you’re experiencing pulsing problems or inconsistent pedal assist but the motor seems to work fine when it’s working, you’re probably looking at a voltage issue or a problem with the pedal assist build. Since there are a lot of ways to construct the pedal assist, it will take research into your bike’s build. The motor connections to the bike’s core mechanics are a more likely to be the issue if you are experiencing lower than expected speeds but the assist cuts in and out correctly, and a total system failure is most likely to be electric, involving connections or the battery. There are exceptions, but using those rough guidelines can save you time by pointing your attention to the most likely issue, whether you are fixing electric bikes for men or women.

Make Sure You Have the Tools For the Job

If you’re preparing for DIY repairs, make sure you add on the right tools when you’re shopping women’s electric bikes for sale. While not every manufacturer will be able to sell you all the wrenches and other hand tools you need, basics like extra chains, replacement wires, and even a proper bike stand sized to your model are commonly available as add-ons or stand-alone part orders.

Set yourself up for success by getting everything you need when you pick the best electric bike for your next ride. It makes everything from long rides to intensive troubleshooting that much easier.