How Much Does a DVC Membership Cost on Average?

How Much Does a DVC Membership Cost on Average?

If you love imagination and wonder, Walt Disney laid the blueprint several decades ago.  Today, there are more than 15 different Walt Disney Parks that you can visit throughout the year. You will get the best from your experiences and travels by joining the Disney...
A Brief Guide to Tulum, Mexico

A Brief Guide to Tulum, Mexico

Right in the Riviera Maya you will encounter into one of the most beautiful places in the world. Tulum is a small town located in Quintana Roo, right in the Yucatan Peninsula.  Its spectacular coastline is composed by numerous beaches with jade-blue waters, ancient...
Top 3 Floridian Destinations for Couples

Top 3 Floridian Destinations for Couples

Far from being just a place for senior citizens, Florida is home to many destinations that couples of any age can enjoy. Instead of taking an expensive international vacation, budget savvy couples can find the right place to enjoy a trip for a fraction of the cost of...