No matter your business, your products must be properly and accurately labeled. When you work in the food industry, your labels must contain specific information. Several requirements must be adhered to if you are labeling any food product. The law requires that the label must contain pertinent information about the product. All labels must comply with the standards of the Fair Packaging and Labeling Act and be as accurate as possible.
Identify the Food Product
The label must clearly and accurately identify the food product in the container. This can be the name of the product, such as green beans, tuna, or cheese. It can also be identified by the name of the recipe, like Grandma’s Best Apple Pie or Nick’s Southern BBQ. The identity of the product is one of the most important parts of the label.
Manufacturer Information
The manufacturer information on a food label includes the company’s brand, slogan, and any other identifiers that will allow the customer to recognize the manufacturer. The manufacturer may be different than the brand name. The customer should be able to easily differentiate between the two. The manufacturer information may also include how the product is made.
Business Location
Many companies have multiple locations. A label must always include the location where the item was produced. Knowing the location where a product is manufactured is important for health and safety reasons. This is beneficial if a product is recalled or needs to be returned for any reason. It is one of the most important pieces of information located on a food label.
List of Ingredients
In order for a food label to be completely accurate, it must contain a detailed list of ingredients. This includes any spices and seasonings. Ingredients are listed according to the amount included in the product. For example, the ingredients found in the largest amount will be listed first. The ingredient found in the smallest amount will be listed last.
Net Quantity/Weight Contents
An informative label will also include an accurate net quantity/weight of the contents contained in the package. This allows the customer to determine the cost per ounce or serving. It’s also important for customers to monitor portion control. Customers who are on a strict diet due to obesity or diabetes often depend on the accuracy of these numbers to help maintain their health.
Companies like Columbine Label Co go to great lengths to ensure the accuracy of each label they produce. All labels are closely examined to ensure every requirement is met and every guideline is closely adhered to. Accuracy is always of the highest priority. Label companies work diligently to remain in compliance with food labeling standards. Proper labeling is a must, especially in the food and beverage industry. Understanding the labeling requirements will allow you to create labels that are memorable and informative.