
May-Thurner Syndrome is a health condition that causes the left iliac vein to narrow due to the pressure from the right iliac vein.  The right iliac vein exerts pressure on the left iliac vein when they cross each other in the pelvis.

In a healthy person, veins and arteries cross each other without posing any necessary danger. But in people with this condition, the two veins crossing over can bring about serious health conditions, and eventually death.

Why May-Thurner Syndrome is a Severe Issue

The left iliac vein is the main vein that carries blood from the left leg back to the heart.The vein carries blood back to the heart for re-oxygenation. It’s narrowing down and blockage implies that there will be no efficient transportation of blood from the leg back to the heart.

The condition mainly affects the left leg. However, if it advances, it may cause deep vein thrombosis in the left leg. A deep vein thrombosis is a condition characterized by a blood clot blocking blood flow in the leg. A deep vein thrombosis can also result to clotting in the lungs, a condition called pulmonary embolism.


In most reported cases, May-Thurner Syndrome does not exhibit any signs and symptoms. For this reason, the condition goes unnoticed until it is in its advanced stages. However, in a few cases, some of the noticeable signs and symptoms exhibited by the diseases include:

  • Discomfort at the pelvis
  • Pain in the leg
  • Throbbing in the legs
  • A heavyweight feeling in the legs
  • Weight gain in the leg
  • Discolored skin on the legs. The skin may become reddish or purplish.
  • Skin on the legs become warm

May-Thurner Syndrome is common in young females between the ages of 20 and 40 years. It is more common during and after pregnancy. Approximately 20% of the population has the condition. A greater percentage of people with the condition are not aware that they have it and this makes managing MTS quite tricky.

May-Thurner Syndrome can be life threatening. If you are diagnosed with the condition, it is always advisable to get tactics and treatments on how to effectively manage the condition. The ways to manage it can be engaging, but they are worth it.

If you have been diagnosed with May Thurner syndrome, you should aim at:

  • Treating and eliminating any blood clots
  • Preventing formation of other blood clots
  • Engaging in activities that would reduce the exertion of pressure on the left iliac vein.

Read the tips below to clearly get ideas of effectively managing May Thurner syndrome.

How to Manage May-Thurner Syndrome

The following are effective ways through which you can manage May-Thurner Syndrome:

Get Medication that Eliminates and Treats Blood Clots

Getting medication that would treat or prevent blood clots will keep the veins wide and safe from blockage, which in turn will result to a smooth flow of blood. There are several medications a doctor can use to eliminate and prevent blood clots.

A doctor can administer drugs called anticoagulants. Anticoagulants prevent formation of new blood clots. They also prevent the already formed clots from advancing. They are also referred to as blood thinners.

Clot busters can be administered in treatment of advanced blood clots. Clot busters are also referred to as thrombolytic therapy. A catheter is used to introduce the medication into the body. The drug is introduced to the site where clotting is supposed to be dismantled. The clot busters have a capability of dismantling the clot in a period ranging from a few hours to a few days.


To expand the left iliac vein, a doctor may use angioplasty. Angioplasty is a non-surgical treatment that widens the veins.  A balloon is used to expand the vein. A stent is a device that is thereafter used to keep the vein opened and wide. It is made of metal mesh. It therefore, keeps the vein opened, and at the same time allows the flow of blood to continue.  After angioplasty and a stent are used, the flow of blood in the left leg will occur smoothly.

Eat a Healthy Diet

Once you have been diagnosed with May Thurners syndrome, ensure that you increase the amounts of fruits and vegetables in your diet. Avoiding junk and fried foods is the healthiest way to go. Too much fat in the junk foods can further clog the blood vessels. Eat natural whole foods. Canned foods contain additives that may worsen the condition.

Exercise Regularly

Regular exercises are generally good for the entire circulatory system. Having a settled life with minimal physical activities is one of the causes of May Thurners syndrome.   Patients with May Thurners syndrome are advised to exercise daily.  Mild exercises such as a 30-minutes walk daily can help improve the flow of blood in the legs.

May-Thurner Syndrome is a condition that can lead to a gradual deterioration of a patient’s health. The condition is life-threatening especially is if deep vein thrombosis develops.  Learning how to effectively manage it can help in reducing the advancement of the condition. Once diagnosed with the condition, a patient should strictly lead a healthy life. Patients managing MTS should consult with their doctors. The doctors can offer options that can help prevent advancement of the disease.